Schema Assessment provided by
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John's description of schemas:
Simply put... the coping skills that we developed as children to live within life's realities do not play well as an adult. I describe them as the voices that attempt to control our thinking. Often this control is fueled by a false sense of our identity.
As stated in the book, these controlling voices are lies. The assessment gives you an understanding or definition of these lies. The only work left is to no longer respond to them.
You can read more about the schema assessment on the Bay Area CBT Center site. Read more by clicking on the link.
About John Gargis - the Author
John and his wife Becky have been married for 33 years and have two sons, Sam and Matthew. In 2022, John and Becky welcomed their new grandson Landon. John and Becky also have a ten-year-old (four legged) daughter named Sandy.
John went into pastoral ministry in 1992 after a career in information technology. He currently serves as a new church planter in Knoxville, Tennessee.
After finding sobriety from drugs and alcohol, John also served within the Celebrate Recovery ministry for twenty years. John shares, "my work in the recovery and pastoral ministry all became one in 2019. This clarity birthed the pages of this book. Now, my focus is to daily maintain the wholeness found through my relationship with Jesus."